Upper School
Upper School
4th to 8th Years
Grade-Level Lessons
Upper Elementary students are abstract thinkers and they have a lot of questions. Teachers must create a work plan which not only answers questions but also continues to encourage their natural curiosity and desire to learn.
Most lessons are taught based on grade level and ability. Work Plans are used to track work for the day with morning work cycles consisting of mostly Math and Language lessons. Daily consistency and routines help construct independence and enforce a strong work ethic.
Work Time/Assignments
When students are not in direct lessons, they have work time to choose what assignments to work on and plan their day. The consistent schedule allows children to learn how to manage their time, ask questions of teachers one-on-one, work with peers, and build strong executive functioning skills.
Freedom of movement and choice are part of every day. This empowers children to take ownership of their education and build strong work habits.
Accommodating Different Skills/Interests
Our goal is to set children up for success, challenge them to build new skills and knowledge, and to help them build confidence and competency in many areas of study.
There are accommodations made on assignments for children with an individual plan. There are learning extensions that are available for students particularly interested in a subject area.
Those learning extension ideas might come from the teacher, from the materials on the shelves, or from the student. We strive to challenge and foster creativity and a continued love of learning.