Storm Closing Info


Storm Closings

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School will be closed on occasion for weather uncertainty.

Please take advantage of this option. other unforeseen circumstances making travel hazardous or other unsafe conditions.

You will not receive email notification of school closings due to inclement weather and all parents are strongly encouraged to sign up for WHUD’s storm center notifications for news of school closure. 

Notification of emergency closings is posted on the school website and the radio. We do not email weather closings.  In the event of uncertain weather beginning after the official opening of school, please call the school if you cannot be reached at home, since we sometimes feel it advisable to close school early. We urge you to use your own discretion regarding driving conditions when school remains open. Hudson Hills Academy makes this decision independently of the Public School systems. Early morning closings will be announced around 6:30 a.m. The best way to be informed of school closings and/or early dismissals is to sign up for WHUD’s Storm Center Alerts.  Once registered, you will receive prompt and accurate notifications of early dismissals and/or school closures directly to your cell phone. 

Please take advantage of this option. WHUD’s Storm Center is located at